Law Grad in Pink is a blog written by a law graduate in Adelaide for law graduates everywhere.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Finished your GDLP? Time to get admitted!!!! But first…the paperwork:

Admission is managed by the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB). Admission Ceremonies are generally held bi-monthly on a Friday (ie a Friday in March, a Friday in April, a Friday in June). The closing date for applications is about four weeks from the ceremony date. Get your application in as early as possible, as the number of positions in each ceremony is capped, and ceremonies often fill before the closing date. Missing out could mean you have to wait another two months to be admitted, and delay any related pay rise you are waiting for.

You will have to complete Form 10 which is the form for those who have not been admitted anywhere else before. This is available on the LPAB website. You will need to attach the following original documents to the form:
  1. Two character references from persons who:
    1. Are at least 30 years of age;
    2. Have known you for at least three years; and
    3. Are not related to you by blood or marriage (hot tip: this is A LOT of work for your referee, so choose wisely and reward with home baked cookies or other similar gift);
  2. Transcript of your University academic record; and
  3. Certificate from your PLT provider showing completion of your course. 
The cost of Admission is currently $500. Try and get your law firm to pay for this. Mine wouldn’t, but it is worth asking!

Lodging your application
Applications can be lodged by post or in person. I recommend you attend the LPAB Office at Level 4, 37 Bligh St in person to lodge your documents. Lodging your application in person has the following advantages:
  • You can pay on your credit card, saving time preparing a cheque;
  • Your documents will be checked on the spot and if your documentation is not accepted, you will be able to fix it quickly. If you send in your paperwork by mail, it can take weeks for the LPAB Office to get back to you about erroneous paperwork, which may impact your ability to fix the documents in time for the ceremony cut off date; and
  • You will be told which admission ceremony you will likely be in (subject to receipt of the official email).

When will my place at the Admission Ceremony be confirmed?
The LPAB approves applications at a Board Meeting one or two weeks before the Ceremony. After the Board has met, you will receive the official confirmation for your Admission Ceremony.

Who can “move” me?
You can have a local NSW lawyer or an interstate lawyer move you. The options are:
  1. Local lawyer in NSW who is:
    1. Currently on the NSW roll; and
    2. No requirement for NSW lawyer to hold a current practising certificate.
  2. Interstate practitioner who is:
    1. Currently on the roll of a non-NSW state/territory; and
    2. Must hold a current practising certificate and present the certificate to Ceremony staff prior to the admission ceremony.
A member of the judiciary cannot move you, but a retired member of the judiciary can. If you have a Barrister “moving” you, be sure to remind them that they need to be robed for the ceremony.  

What if I can’t find someone to “move me”? Or what if my “mover” cannot make it at the last minute?
Both College of Law and ANU provide representatives at ceremonies to admit students from their PLT courses. Usually you have to call ahead of time to arrange a representative to be there, but if you find yourself without a “mover” on the day, a representative already attending may be able to “move” you. If you know you will have an issue finding a practitioner ahead of time, call LPAB and they will try and assist you to find a “mover”.

What to expect on your Admission Day:
What LPAB says:
Normally admission ceremonies in Sydney are held in the Banco Court, Level 13, of the Law Courts Building at 184 Phillip Street, Sydney. There are entrances to the building on Phillip Street and Macquarie Streets. Please check our Home Page for any announcements regarding venue changes.

Depending on the number of applications received, we may hold between one to seven ceremonies on the day. If your application is approved, you will then be notified in writing of the time of your ceremony. As a matter of policy, this information cannot be given over the phone, it can only be confirmed in the letter sent after the Board meeting. Usually, the likely times for the ceremonies are at 90 minute intervals from 9.15am. Applicants are placed alphabetically according to their surnames (applicants cannot choose which time their admission will be). It will take approximately one and a half hours from the time of arrival for the ceremony to the time the ceremony concludes and you have completed all necessary paperwork.

It is important that you arrive at the Law Courts building at least 40 minutes prior to the ceremony. The Court room will open approximately 30 minutes before the ceremony start time to seat applicants, movers, guests and provide instructions for the conduct of the admission ceremony.
Please note that if you arrive late, after the ceremony has commenced, it is possible you may not be admitted.”

What actually happens:
You will have to wait for me to report on my own admission ceremony for that J


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is a complete step to follow kind of the requirement in order to get admitted to your desired program so this will indeed be a good step to your way of progress. uiuc graduate admissions

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