New South Wales has the
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Victoria has the Independent
Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). If you are an avid consumer of
media you would have read that ICAC’s investigative powers are too broad and
IBAC’s investigative powers are too limited. In Victoria in particular, IBAC’s
powers have been a hot topic of early 2016, as the government introduced a Bill
to amend the IBAC Act in early 2016.
The hype has led to comparisons
with ICAC accompanied by some wildly inaccurate descriptions of ICAC’s powers. Don’t
believe everything you read. In this blog post I go straight to the statute to
explain the basic differences between ICAC and IBAC. Note that I only explain
the basic differences, as a comprehensive comparison of the regimes would be a
full time job. Feel free to share this post with any journalists you know to
help keep information in the public domain correct.
Enabling statute
ICAC was established in 1988 by
the Independent Commission Against
Corruption Act 1988 (NSW) (ICAC Act). IBAC was established in 2011 by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption
Commission Act 2011 (Vic) (IBAC Act), replacing the Office of Police
The objects clause of a statute
plays an important role in interpretation, as an interpretation that promotes
the purpose or object of the Act is to be preferred over a construction that
does not promote that purpose or object (s.33 Interpretation Act 1987 (NSW) and s.35(a) Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 (Vic)).
The principal objects of the ICAC Act
are stated in s.2A as creating ICAC as an independent and accountable body:
“(i) to investigate, expose and
prevent corruption involving or affecting public authorities and public officials, and
(ii) to educate
public authorities, public officials and members
of the public about corruption and its detrimental effects on public
administration and on the community, and
(b) to confer on
the Commission special
powers to inquire into allegations of corruption.”
objects of the IBAC Act are contained in s.8 and are to:
provide for the identification, investigation and exposure of—
(i) serious corrupt conduct;
(b) assist in the
prevention of—
(i) corrupt conduct;
(c) facilitate the
education of the public sector and the community about the
detrimental effects of corrupt conduct and police personnel
misconduct on
public administration and the community and the ways in which corrupt conduct and police personnel
misconduct can
be prevented;
(d) assist in
improving the capacity of the public sector to prevent corrupt conduct and police personnel
(e) provide for the IBAC to assess police personnel conduct.”
There are some immediately
obvious differences in the objects of the two regimes:
the IBAC Act focuses on “serious corrupt
conduct”, which is a narrower focus than that of the ICAC Act on “corrupt
the IBAC Act specifically focuses on “police
personnel misconduct” as well as and as a separate concept to “corrupt
conduct”. This is because the regime incorporates the powers previously vested
with the Victoria’s Office of Policy Integrity. The ICAC Act focuses on “corrupt
conduct” and does not concern itself separately with “police personnel
misconduct”, though police conduct that falls into the scope of “corrupt
conduct” could be investigated by ICAC;
an object of the ICAC Act is to provide ICAC
with powers to inquire into allegations of corrupt conduct. This is not an
object of the IBAC Act.
of “corrupt conduct”
The first limitation to note, present
in both the ICAC Act and IBAC Act is that conduct will only be corrupt conduct if
the conduct is sufficient to constitute a relevant offence. In the ICAC Act,
the relevant offences are criminal offences, disciplinary offences, as well as
conduct that could constitute reasonable grounds for terminating a public
official, or could constitute a substantial breach of an applicable code of
conduct by a Minister or Member of a House of Parliament. In the IBAC Act the
relevant offences are more limited, being indictable offences against an Act,
and three common law offences (only if committed in Victoria), being attempt to
pervert the course of justice, bribery of a public official and perverting the
course of justice. Already, the ICAC Act contains a broader definition of
“corrupt conduct” merely by having a broader qualifying threshold of what will
constitute a relevant offence.
After the conduct has met the relevant
offence threshold, the conduct will be “corrupt conduct” if:
1. In the
ICAC Act (s.8), if it is:
Conduct which adversely
or could adversely affect the honest or impartial exercise of official
functions by any public official, group or body
of public officials or any public authority (s.8(1)(a));
Conduct of a public official that
constitutes or involves the dishonest or partial exercise of any of his or her
official functions (s.8(1)(b));
Conduct of a public official or former public official that
constitutes or involves a breach of public trust (s.8(1)(c));
Conduct of a public official or
former public official involving the
misuse of information or material that he or she has acquired in the course of
his or her official functions, whether or not for his or her benefit or for the
benefit of any other person (s.8(1)(d));
Conduct of any person which adversely or could adversely affect, either
directly or indirectly, the exercise of official functions by any public official, any group or body
of public officials or any public authority and which
could involve any of the matters listed including official misconduct, bribery,
blackmail, fraud, theft, and election bribery) (s.8(2)); and
Conduct that impairs, or
that could impair, public confidence in public administration and which could
involve one of a number of listed items including collusive tendering;
defrauding the public revenue; and fraudulently obtaining or retaining
employment or appointment as a public official (s.8(2A)).
In the IBAC Act (s.4) , if it is:
Conduct of any person that adversely affects the honest
performance by a public
officer or public body of his or her or its functions as a public
officer or public body
Conduct of a public officer or public body that constitutes or involves the
dishonest performance of his or her or its functions as a public
officer or public body
Conduct of a public
officer or public body that constitutes or involves knowingly
or recklessly breaching public trust (s.4(1)(c)); or
Conduct of a public
officer or a public body that involves the misuse of
information or material acquired in the course of the performance of his or her
or its functions as a public
officer or public body,
whether or not for the benefit of the public
officer or public body or any other person
(s.4(1)(d)); or
Conduct that could constitute a conspiracy or an
attempt to engage in any conduct referred to above.
In both the ICAC Act and the IBAC Act the
definition of “corrupt conduct” includes conduct which occurs outside of
Australia (s.8(5)) ICAC Act and s.4(2)(a) IBAC Act). The ICAC definition of
“corrupt conduct” is broader in some respects, including by including conduct
that “could adversely affect” as well as conduct that “adversely affects” (see
for example s.8(1)(a) ICAC Act v s.4(1)(a) IBAC Act). Keep in mind these
differences are exacerbated and when you consider IBAC can only investigate
“serious corrupt conduct” (s.60(1)).
ICAC has the power under s.20A to conduct
preliminary investigations. Examples of when ICAC might conduct a preliminary
investigation include identifying conduct that might be made the subject of a
more complete investigation. Section 20A was inserted into the ICAC Act in 1996
by the Police Legislation Amendment Act
1996 (NSW), which the Explanatory Memorandum explained “allows the Commission to make preliminary inquiries for the
purpose of deciding whether to undertake an investigation”. Section 20A is
worded “an investigation may be in the nature of a preliminary investigation”.
This wording includes a “preliminary investigation” within the definition of an
“investigation”, giving ICAC full investigative powers even when conducting a
preliminary investigation. This includes powers to obtain information,
documents, and enter public premises (s.21, 22, 23 ICAC Act). See also the
definition of “corrupt conduct” in s.3, which provides the term includes “a
preliminary investigation referred to in section 20A”.
not prevented from conducting preliminary investigations, as conducting a
preliminary investigation may be necessary for the performance of IBAC’s
functions (s.16). However, for preliminary investigations, IBAC does not have
the powers it does when conducting investigations, so essentially has no better
powers than the average citizen in gathering information until the point in
time in which IBAC decides to commence an investigation.
When can an
investigation be initiated?
IBAC can commence an investigation
once it is satisfied the conduct concerned may be “serious corrupt conduct”
(s.60(2)). It can conduct an investigation on its own motion, or after
receiving a complaint or notification about conduct (s.60(1)). Similarly, ICAC
can commence an investigation on its own initiative, or after receiving a
complaint, report or reference (s.20(1)) on satisfaction the conduct concerned
may be “corrupt conduct”.
Investigative powers
When an investigation is on foot
(under the ICAC Act this also includes preliminary investigations) ICAC’s
investigative powers include the power to:
obtain information from public authorities and
public officials by serving a notice in writing on a public authority or public
official (s.21 ICAC Act);
obtain documents from any person by serving a
notice in writing on that person (s.22); and
enter premises occupied or used by a public
authority or public official, inspect documents or things in or on the premises
and take copies of such documents (s.23).
In the course of an investigation
ICAC can also conduct private “compulsory examinations” (s.30) or public
inquiries (which are public but parts of which may be held in private) (s.31).
ICAC has the power to summons any person to appear at a compulsory examination
or a public inquiry (s.35). IBAC has
similar investigative powers to obtain information, obtain documents, enter
premises and conduct examinations. Note that while ICAC’s examinations are
generally held in public, IBAC’s examinations are to be held in private unless exceptional
circumstances exist, it is in the public interest to hold a public examination
and a public examination can be held without causing unreasonable damage to a
person’s reputation, safety or wellbeing (s.117 IBAC Act). As a result, IBAC’s
investigations tend to be much more discrete than ICAC’s investigations.
Apart from the difference in
examinations being held in public or private, the anti-corruption agencies have
similar and significant investigative powers. These powers exceed powers given
to state or federal police. The main difference between the two anti-corruption
agencies in regards to investigative powers is when these powers may be used.
As discussed above, the definition of “investigation” in the ICAC Act includes
preliminary investigations, meaning ICAC can use its investigative powers in
much wider circumstances than IBAC. IBAC cannot use its investigative powers
for preliminary investigations.
What about conduct that occurred before the commencement of the regime?
Both Acts apply to conduct that occurred before the
commencement of the Act (s.8(3) ICAC Act and s.11 IBAC Act), though there are
limitations on investigating this conduct. These limitations are more
pronounced for the Victorian regime, which only commenced in 2011. The NSW
regime commenced in 1988, meaning most conduct investigated will have occurred
after the commencement of the regime, so any sections limiting the
investigation of conduct occurring prior to 1988 will only come into play in
the infrequent circumstance conduct occurring prior to 1988 is investigated.
The IBAC Act significantly limits the situations in
which conduct which occurred entirely before 2012 (the year s.11 was inserted)
can be investigated. Firstly, an investigation must not be conducted where the
conduct is trivial, the complaint is frivolous or vexatious, the complaint
lacks substance or credibility, or the conduct occurred at too remote a time to
justify investigation (s.60(4) IBAC Act). This seems reasonable. However,
section 60(5) provides a difficult test to satisfy before conduct occurring
entirely before 2012 can be investigated. Such conduct can only be investigated
It is in the public interest to investigate the conduct;
In all the circumstances it is appropriate for IBAC to investigate the conduct;
In the case where an investigatory body has already investigated or
decided not to investigate the conduct, there is reliable, substantial and
highly probative evidence that was not considered by the investigatory body or reliable,
substantial and highly probative evidence that the investigation or decision
not to investigate was materially affected by error.
Oversight and supervision
The Victorian Inspectorate is
responsible for monitoring IBAC’s compliance with the IBAC Act. IBAC’s
performance is monitored and reviewed by the IBAC Parliamentary Committee. This
Committee is also responsible for receiving and reviewing IBAC’s investigation
reports. The Public Interest Monitor supervises IBAC applications for surveillance
device warrants and telecommunications interception warrants. Similarly, in NSW
a Parliamentary Joint Committee monitors and reviews ICAC’s work as well as to
review ICAC’s investigation reports and annual reports (s.64 ICAC Act).
So is IBAC really much less powerful than ICAC?
Contrary to what some writers
might have you think, IBAC is not toothless. While its focus on investigating
“serious corrupt conduct” is more limited than ICAC’s ability to investigate
“corrupt conduct”, IBAC still has a wide ambit to conduct investigations and
capture Victoria’s serious corrupt conduct. With ICAC having focused on what
appears to be less serious instances of corrupt conduct in the past, much can
be said about focusing resources on “serious corrupt conduct”. While definitional limitations mean more minor
instances of corrupt conduct may stay hidden in Victoria for now, IBAC still
has the power to expose serious instances of corrupt conduct which should have
a deterrent effect on all types of corrupt conduct.
Much can be said about the
comparatively discrete nature of IBAC’s examinations, which must occur in
private unless the threshold test is met. This reputational threshold test does
not exist for ICAC, which is a concern given ICAC can investigate all levels of
allegedly corrupt conduct, where severe reputational damage is possible even
where a claim or evidence has not yet been substantiated.
IBAC is held back somewhat by its
preliminary investigative powers. Although it can undertake a preliminary
investigation, it cannot use its investigative powers when conducting the
preliminary investigation, limiting the information IBAC can obtain to be
satisfied conduct may be “serious corrupt conduct” to commence an
investigation. Several problems also arise from IBAC’s youth, and the fact
conduct occurring prior to 2012 must meet the high threshold test in s.60(5)
before it can be investigated.
Did this blog post interest you? Interested
in anti-corruption Commissions and the powers of investigative and enforcement
agencies? Keep your eye out for my next blog post, a case summary of the High
Court’s recent decision in R v
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commissioner [2016] HCA 8.
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